Monday, January 03, 2011

Award Winning Salsa Recipe

I love salsa.  I love it on burgers and eggs and everything in between.  Salsa is naturally Paleo, and low carb.  I keep some in my fridge at all times.  This salsa is pretty much the only one I make now, its called the Red Serrano Basil Salsa, otherwise just known as the salsa in casa de me.  I entered this salsa into a salsa contest and it came out on top, and per my brother's permission, I am going to make this recipe open source.

salsa recipe.jpg



28 oz can of tomatoes

4-5 cloves garlice

bunch of cilantro

bunch of basil leaves

2-3 key limes

half yellow onion

about 15 Serranos


habenero or habenero powder (optional)


Equipment:  Food processor (or you could use a blender if you are the type who makes grilled cheese with a clothes iron)


In food processor, put 4-5 cloves of peeled garlic and the serranos and chop up pretty good (for about 20 seconds).

garlic and seranos.jpg


Now add the tomotos, Puree for like a minute or until well integrated.  Then add half medium yellow onion, about 15 large basil leaves, about the same amount of cilantro (about 1/3 cup), juice of one lime OR juice of 2-3 key limes, .5 tsp chiltepin .5 tsp habenero poweder, .5 tsp sea salt and puree again for about 20-30 seconds.

